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Home ? Your Videos ? Integrating Muvizu characters into existing video!

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10/03/2016 17:32:47

Posts: 5
10/03/2016 18:09:42

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
very clever!! I enjoyed not only the technical aspects that made it work, but also the fact that in a little over one minute, you developed a bizarre scenario and brought it to climax.

In amateur forums of all kinds, it is a fairly common phenomenon to find examples of projects where one skill set clearly dominates the others. For example, a technically proficient video that supports a lame story line... or a great story that is not presented very well.

In my opinion, the ideal is to get all the aspects of a project to "about the same level" of proficiency. .. best case being excellence across the board... but for lack of perfection, at least having consistency at SOME level.

I said all that to say this: I thought your project is a good example of a balanced project. You started with an interesting concept, developed (or adapted) the real footage to support it, then figured out how to put the mummy where he needed to be. I thought the end result was truly entertaining, and that's what you set out to do. Success means that the end result meets the intended goal! Great job!

Your story was brief, never had a chance to get boring, and had an interesting and unexpected conclusion! I can see this as being one episode from a series about somebody's weird dreams. As such you wouldn't need to justify any of the stories' premises... it would be expected of the viewer to accept whatever weird premise a dream might start with, then sit back and enjoy how the animator resolves the suspense.
25/03/2016 01:37:53

Posts: 286
I loved the tree falling.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Integrating Muvizu characters into existing video!