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29/03/2016 18:17:07

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
yeah Clayster, I neglected to comment on your horse...

I Love it! It has the perfect Muvizu cartoon look! Its always a bit jarring to me to see ultra realistic models in the Muvizu environment, sharing space with potato headed characters and cartoonized scenery. To me, that's like wearing sneakers with a tuxedo.

But I ESPECIALLY like the fact that you figured out how to animate the little dude! That is cool to a very large degree!

Its fun watching what you and Braj and many others are doing here.. I find it inspiring.. (and a little bit frustrating that I don't have time to mess with it as much as I'd like)

It would be kind of cool to have a HALL OF FAME forum, to honor the people who have really pushed the limits of what MUVIZU can do, and to showcase their videos and techniques. It has been said that "birds of a feather flock together", and in this context that manifests as creative people congregating around products that let them exercise their creativity.
29/03/2016 18:33:09

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
ziggy72 wrote:
LOL that's a good horsey - and like Pat says, if you can fake up that, surely the Muvizu Devs can do something similar...? We're not looking for show jumping trick ponies here, after all

you may have hit on something here, Ziggy... it may be that the DEVs don't want to release anything that isn't as fully animatable as everything else, and therefore they are reluctant to spend the time required to make trick ponies (so to speak)

Speaking only for myself... I'd love to have some basic tools that we can build on... in fact, that the DEV TEAM can build on.

A basic set of 4 animatable legs that can be attached to our imported models would go a long way.

If it came with a floating head that we could move around in space to wherever our creatures head needs to be... all the better

If the legs had attachment points for hooves or paws that users model... even better!

Ideally, if the Dev team created one such critter that came with a variety of foot , paw, tail, mask attachments right out of the box.... Goodness gracious.... you could charge just about any price for that kit and I'd buy it!! But at the usual price point for Muvizu-created expansion paks, it would be a no-brainer acquisition for everybody!
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