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Home ? General Discussion ? animation fans part 2

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14/04/2016 10:31:58

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
crazy talk animator 1 ....Cool
havent explored it yet so dont know how useful it may be but hey it's a new toy.
edited by drewi on 14/04/2016
14/04/2016 17:38:35

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
crazy talk animator 1 ....Cool
havent explored it yet so dont know how useful it may be but hey it's a new toy.
edited by drewi on 14/04/2016

Cool! Thanks Drew! I was just thinking about buying this.. now I don't have to!

FWIW.. I've found this giveaway of the day site to offer much more interesting programs than I expected. At l;east once each week they offer something that I want. And frequently once I have been introduced to the product they're giving away, I end up buying its "big brother" product (which I'm sure that's why they give stuff away... as a loss leader to introduce potential customers to their flagship program)
14/04/2016 23:53:05

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I just noticed that registering this free product gives you premium membership, which translates into lower pricing on everything Reallusion sells!
19/04/2016 16:18:14

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
OK... the giveaway of the day for April 19 is another video converter utility.

I already posted that the last video converter came with a setting for exporting AVIs that work in Muvizu as backdrop textures. If you didn't get that one, maybe this on has a similar setting.

The interesting thing about TODAY'S variant is that it has a built-in way to download video from the web! That could be very useful for Muvizu ! All sorts of active textures like rippling water or moving backgrounds like waterfalls or beaches with crashing waves... could easily be downloaded and edited for use as textures in Muvizu

If you don't already have a tool for grabbing online video, here's one for free if you get it today!
edited by PatMarrNC on 19/04/2016
19/04/2016 17:46:58

Posts: 51
Thanks Pat, looks good and it does XviD and 4K H.265/HEVC encoding too.

I laughed out loud when I saw this on their website.

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Home ? General Discussion ? animation fans part 2