Would you like an official Muvizu competition?

Yes with content packs/Muvizu credit as a prize: 12
Yes with a physical prize: 7
Yes with no prize: 1
No (It would be interesting to hear why): 1
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08/06/2016 23:01:15

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I enjoyed the competitions in the past, but there hasn't been any for so long. Since it's been such a long time, many users who are regularly on the forum haven't even experienced any. (I'm thinking AMD fusion, and the various Christmas and Halloween ones)
Would you guys like Muvizu to have another competition? If so, what type would you suggest? What sort of video duration or competition opening time? Would people working on large projects want it later on in the year or next year? Are prizes a good idea?

So many questions, it would be interesting to hear what you all have to say about it.
08/06/2016 23:59:02

Posts: 30
The last tine I entered a competition many years ago (AMD fusion?) the winner was the person who did a blatant advert for the prize ! The actual competition said it could be anything lasting one minute or less.
Basically they picked the one they could use themselves !
09/06/2016 00:48:19

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I don't like the term "competition" because it implies that everybody but one person loses. Something about that doesn't make me feel inspired to stick my neck out.

I like the term "challenge". in which a theme is declared and everybody submits their interpretation. That would be fun for me whether there was a prize or not.

it might be fun to openly brainstorm in the forum for themes.

But if prizes were awarded... a very cool prize that might lure all the moguls out of hiding would be to give the winner power to pick some new feature to be implemented in Muvizu.

09/06/2016 02:01:51

Posts: 359
I would watch what others make. I like the challenge idea, since there are all stages of animators here. It would be intimidating to enter something other than for the purpose of improving my skills using Muvizu. I hope some of the veteran users would enjoy participating so those of us who are newer could learn from them.
09/06/2016 02:59:05

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
eugenecheese wrote:
The last tine I entered a competition many years ago (AMD fusion?) the winner was the person who did a blatant advert for the prize ! The actual competition said it could be anything lasting one minute or less.
Basically they picked the one they could use themselves !

Actually, the original rules were for videos 10 seconds or less. By the time I had finished 2 ten-second videos, enough people complained about not being able to make any and they changed the rules. (Boo. hiss!)

P.S. - Glad to see you back Mr. Chuckles.
edited by bigwally on 09/06/2016
09/06/2016 08:36:04

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Ah interesting! I like the idea of a challenge since if the Muvizu staff are to busy, it could still be run by regular users. (And maybe more effort can be put in to keep the rules consistent )
edited by MrDrWho13 on 09/06/2016
09/06/2016 16:57:04

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
The Anime Studio forum has a monthly thing where they declare a theme and anybody who wants to participate can post an animation. Naturally, the same people win all the time... but the real advantage is that it provides a focus for the forum, a learning experience for newbies, and a source of inspiration for people who struggle to think up fresh ideas.

Part of the deal is that the assets for each submission (rigged characters, sets etc) become freely downloadable in their asset store, so anybody can DL them and see how the pros approach a project.

Projecting the same idea onto the Muvizu paradigm, sets for submitted videos might go to the store as freebies.

I like this idea, and I look forward to seeing how it develops!
09/06/2016 16:59:41

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
let's kick some ideas around for a theme!

we could start with a title and see how people develop it... such as

or maybe, each month pick a common workaround problem or animation challenge and see how people deal with it


or we could go totally nuts and scramble a bunch of ideas into one insane project like
edited by PatMarrNC on 09/06/2016
09/06/2016 17:11:07

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I like the idea of a title and then freedom to do whatever based on it.
Zombie Holiday sounds good, but maybe something to keep for Halloween.
I like the comedy sketches which match the whole cartoon feel of Muvizu. hmmmm..... what would be good titles?

I like the holiday theme, and it's a good time of year for a holiday/vacation based competition.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 09/06/2016
09/06/2016 17:37:26

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
A time limit would probably be a good idea, perhaps somewhere around a minute? Maybe 30 seconds would be better.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 09/06/2016
09/06/2016 19:46:57

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Never really been a contest person. I entered a few just to beef up entries but I find them to be quite divisive.

Prizes are usually won by the people who need them least because their skill level is such that they likely have most of the tools. This is one of my contest pet peeves. I enter with something I know wont win because I want someone who needs the items to win them. So that is the opposite to what contests are intended I suppose but I dont want the goodies I likely already own one ore more of them so I need to avoid winning it lol.

I know not everyone thinks like me, but i am very non competitive and extremely introverted.

Anyhow so I wasn't going to even vote, but I thought a female geek perspective backed up by years of learning would be helpful.

My last reason is I can't stand deadlines lol but that has to do with the fact i am older and sort of at this point walk to the beat of my own drum. Once you get to a certain age and have experienced life you kind of change your views.
09/06/2016 19:51:32

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Thanks for the different point of view urbanlamb!
Would the theme thing rather than a competition with a prize work better in your eyes? Is there a way to form to rules allowing for inexperienced users to have a good chance of winning?
Not sure you can do anything about the deadlines though.
10/06/2016 02:20:10

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Some will take it very seriously and enter to win, some will do it for fun, some will use it to gain skills......all seems good.
A title or two or three...to freely interpret will help people to find an inroad.
Moguls should be handicapped with faulty mice to make a level playing field.Ton of Bricks
edited by drewi on 10/06/2016
10/06/2016 04:21:06

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
maybe a random drawing of a name selected from a list of everybody who participated would be a good way to level the playing field. Everybody who submitted a video would have an equal chance of winning, so that would encourage even newbies to enter. Hopefully that would translate into a bunch of participation. If the recent sale brought a bunch of new users on board that might draw some of them out and stir up more forum participation.

Or maybe there could be prizes awarded in different categories... one newbie prize which might be store credit.... maybe a special prize for Moguls ... polling the moguls for prize ideas that are appropriate for their situation might be a good idea

But store credit would work for everybody because sooner or later new products will be announced and Newbies and Moguls will both want them.

I nominate MrDrWho as contest administrator (the guy who gets to declare a theme, max time length and a completion date)
Anybody second the nomination?
10/06/2016 08:13:32

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I like the idea of the moguls being a panel of judges which might give more chance to newbies?
I was thinking it should be based on some summery themes, but if clayster is running another contest, maybe this needs to be put on hold for a month or so, so we don't clash.
14/06/2016 18:19:31

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
since it looks like we're embarking on a series of contests, each one hosted by a different mogul.. I guess we should talk about whether or not to talk about upcoming contests in advance, or wait until the current contest ends before saying anything at all about the next one.

Speaking only for myself.. I admit to being painfully slow at this... to the point that a 4 week time limit might knock me out of the running.

If upcoming contests were declared in advance and everybody had a heads-up so they could start organizing ideas and creating assets, I think the end result might be better videos. At least, having more time would benefit me.

What does everyone else think? We have several weeks to form a consensus of opinion on the matter...
14/06/2016 21:39:00

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I think keeping each challenge separate would be best so they don't interfere with each other.
I'm not sure if I can come up with anything for this first one, especially with the high minimum time and forbidden external music , but I'll see if I can muster something up.
14/06/2016 23:23:05

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
MrDrWho13 wrote:
I think keeping each challenge separate would be best so they don't interfere with each other.

I wasn't talking about overlapping the contests... more like a "look-ahead" so we'd know what was coming. Or not. No big deal either way. This is going to be fun!

I'm not sure if I can come up with anything for this first one, especially with the high minimum time and forbidden external music , but I'll see if I can muster something up.

Didn't Clayster waive that music rule?
15/06/2016 04:27:56

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
PatMarrNC wrote:
MrDrWho13 wrote:
I think keeping each challenge separate would be best so they don't interfere with each other.

I wasn't talking about overlapping the contests... more like a "look-ahead" so we'd know what was coming. Or not. No big deal either way. This is going to be fun!

I'm not sure if I can come up with anything for this first one, especially with the high minimum time and forbidden external music , but I'll see if I can muster something up.

Didn't Clayster waive that music rule?

yes I waived that music rule, you can use any material from any free royalty sites, and original material, I have changed the rules.
15/06/2016 04:27:56

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
PatMarrNC wrote:
MrDrWho13 wrote:
I think keeping each challenge separate would be best so they don't interfere with each other.

I wasn't talking about overlapping the contests... more like a "look-ahead" so we'd know what was coming. Or not. No big deal either way. This is going to be fun!

I'm not sure if I can come up with anything for this first one, especially with the high minimum time and forbidden external music , but I'll see if I can muster something up.

Didn't Clayster waive that music rule?

yes I waived that music rule, you can use any material from any free royalty sites, and original material, I have changed the rules.
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