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Home ? Feedback ? Let's hear it for the Muvizu team

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05/10/2010 17:55:21

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661

The Muvizu team actively encourage suggestions which is great and helps the development of the software.

We all love using it and the features are so simple to pick up that we're soon hungry for more.

I've been using it for only a couple of months but have already witnessed 2 releases and massive steps forward.

Let's keep the suggestions coming but keep patient too. It is a fantastic product with a great and supportive team behind it.... and it's free!

All hail Muvizu!
05/10/2010 18:24:45

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471

I too have been using Muvizu for only a few months but I am enjoying it more and more. I'm looking forward to seeing this software grow and expand. I'll be using it for a long time!. The Muvizu team is truly a great group of people. Keep up the good work!
edited by mysto on 10/7/2010
05/10/2010 19:54:21

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
We're Not Worthy! worship
05/10/2010 22:11:41

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Dear Muvizu, can I just say that you have created a monster. I think you have chosen wisely with the cartoon-like characters, I like many other users love the simplicity of the interface.
If you can give the characters more emotion with more facial control with sliders, eyelid control, eyebrow control.
And finally, the holy grail, object interaction Cool
All I can say is well done muvizu, you seem like very nice people, and you will be rewarded with great animations from very talented animators, who are determined to help you achieve your goals aswell as ours.
All the best inventions come from Scotland eg, Television, tartan, and Tunnocks and the one and only Muvizu.
ill buy you a pint one day Team MUVIZU beer
16/11/2010 19:22:42

Posts: 127
Ah yes, thumbs up I'm still a fan i agree
14/03/2011 08:59:27

Posts: 1
On Friday (now, it’s Monday), I discovered Muvizu animation software by chance and I thought that I should give it a try. I downloaded the programme and just three or four hours later I had created a short animation. I couldn’t believe how well the software worked and how easy it was to use. Over the years (saying that makes me sound old!), I’ve used various animation software and video and sound editing software, but I’ve never been so happy with any of those products. What I couldn’t believe was that a team of people had created such a great piece of animation software and that it was completely free. I sent an appreciative message for the Muvizu team to the Muvizu contact email address and the MD replied and he made me wonder how far we can take this software (the links he sent had me in stitches). Again, I’d like to thank the whole Muvizu team for their wonderful work. I’ve spent the whole weekend playing about with the software and, in time, I’ll get round to importing my own material into Muvizu (I hope). I have no doubt that someone out there will create a hugely successful Muvizu animation in the near future. Good job! Ten out of ten! Thumbs Up! etc.
edited by JamesS on 14/03/2011
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Home ? Feedback ? Let's hear it for the Muvizu team