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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? SKETCHUP TO MUVIZU

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21/02/2017 10:20:14

Posts: 66
We have some very clever modellers in the muvizu community, people who can navigate the intricate world of polygons, voxels, collisions, UV maps and all the different formats. As a simple sort of chap I have been happy with making my objects in Sketchup 8 and exporting them as .ase models using Ziggymesh exporter. Also of course you can find hundreds of ready made models for free in Sketch Up Warehouse and do the same thing.

It seemed even better when I found that the trial version of the latest sketchup pro had a facility to export directly to the quicker and more muvizu friendly .fbx format.
But then………the Pro trial only lasts 30 days, and the real thing is like several hundred quid. And…to make it worse…. In January they stopped making the models downloading in SU 8 format.
After a months wailing and spending hours in the mind-numbing vortex that is Blender… I have found a straightforward easy way to export models from sketchup to muvizu.
Make your model in free Sketchup Make (old or newer versions), or download from the warehouse, colour and texture it as you want, go to File/Export/3Dmodel and choose COLLADA (*.dae) format. In options tick two sided faces and texture maps.
Get yourself free Autodesk FBX converter. You just drag the file into the left hand box, tick embed media and convert. You then have an .fbx model which imports straight into muvizu with all its textures and colours, either as an attachment or stand-alone prop. And no messing with Blender !!!!!!
21/02/2017 13:52:10

Posts: 25
Tried this several times this morning with different files dl'd from the warehouse. Same result each time Muvizu crashed with a long list of DLL errors
21/02/2017 14:19:28

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282
Witchy wrote:
Tried this several times this morning with different files dl'd from the warehouse. Same result each time Muvizu crashed with a long list of DLL errors

Maybe your meshes have too many polygons. Max polygon count is about 65.000 if i'm correct.
21/02/2017 15:27:37

Posts: 66
ikes wrote:
Witchy wrote:
Tried this several times this morning with different files dl'd from the warehouse. Same result each time Muvizu crashed with a long list of DLL errors

Maybe your meshes have too many polygons. Max polygon count is about 65.000 if i'm correct.
21/02/2017 15:35:29

Posts: 66
Just to clarify - I download the model for SU version 2014,2015 or 2016 and open it up in SU. I check it over, maybe delete any parts I dont want, and make sure it is centered on the axes. Then I export that as a collada file. Then I put that through the autodesk converter. I hit problems if I try to go straight from a downloaded collada straight into file into the converter.
21/02/2017 16:16:31

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Tangledbliss, that's a useful tip! Thanks for sharing! Now that Sketchup has removed support for SU8 a lot of people will be looking for alternate solutions to the model import task.

Regarding Sketchup warehouse: One thing that drives me nuts about the models DL from there is that there's no quality control. Models are created by thousands of people at varying skill levels, and there's no way to guarantee that any given model "follows the rules". When I was still trying to use models from the warehouse, it wasn't uncommon to spend hours fixing things on models that would have taken much less lime to create from scratch.

But, lots of people (I'm not one of them) seem to have great luck downloading and converting models from that archive. For those who do, please remember to credit the original modeler.
edited by PatMarrNC on 21/02/2017
04/03/2017 10:20:53

Posts: 66
After my enthusiastic post , I have to add an ammendment. This seens to work fine with my own home made Sketchup models (using SU 2016 or 2017) and it works with lots of models from the warehouse. but not all - especially the more complex ones. Sketchup builders neednt be concerned about numbers of polygons, but we are - 20K is your limit.
26/04/2017 09:58:33

Posts: 2
Hello, I am new to this forum and excuse me for my approximate english because I am French. Concerning the import of objects in FBX format in Muvizu, if you have the latest version of windows 10, just use paint net 3D.
You create your object in paint net 3D and export it in FBX format, it works I did a test.
26/04/2017 10:29:50

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Sounds very interesting do you have a link? i'm assuming it's a plugin for
AH!! ithink you mean it's paint 3d from microsoft you need latest win 10 and a drawing tablet maybe?
also to join the windows insider programme.
edited by drewi on 26/04/2017
03/05/2017 09:37:29

Posts: 2
To answer Drewi, this application is part of the last update of windows 10, just open paint net and click on the icon (paint net 3D).
03/05/2017 16:40:42

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Desbois wrote:
To answer Drewi, this application is part of the last update of windows 10, just open paint net and click on the icon (paint net 3D).

Interesting. I just looked at both of my windows 10 computers, and neither of them has this program. Is it necessary to download and install PAINT.NET in order for the windows update to include this?
03/05/2017 16:51:37

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
PatMarrNC wrote:
Desbois wrote:
To answer Drewi, this application is part of the last update of windows 10, just open paint net and click on the icon (paint net 3D).

Interesting. I just looked at both of my windows 10 computers, and neither of them has this program. Is it necessary to download and install PAINT.NET in order for the windows update to include this?

Hi pat, it's not related to Microsoft have halted the rollout of the newest version of Windows 10 because there are a few bugs (mostly related to old hardware). You can force the update by going to the update section of the windows 10 settings menu.
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? SKETCHUP TO MUVIZU