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Home ? Tech Help ? Either Muvizu or my Codecs are corrupt...HELP plz

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09/10/2012 05:51:55

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
It's rare that I get a decent render out of muvizu now!...the last few vids I've done I'm getting glitched up results and very inconsistant reliability with my render quality. Any ideas would be helpful...not sure if I should download a codec pak...uninstall something....muvizu maybe? I am not sure what to do but this really sucks! - Please Help! - Thanks! - EEF
edited by EEFilmz on 09/10/2012
09/10/2012 10:32:49

Posts: 582

Do you have the same results with different codecs?

Also, can you tell us which version of Muvizu, graphics card and codec you are using?

Thanks in advance.

09/10/2012 11:56:55

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Yep, same results no matter what codec I use. I switched from xvid to ffdshow and was getting good results out of muvizu for a while, then I always import into videopad; edit, and then it outputs it using H264 (which I love how that usually comes out) from videopad, but the problem is out of muvizu, the renders are inconsistant and bad now! that last KISS vid I did took me about 10 times to rerender. p.s. - I notice there are alot of "settings" to change within the codecs etc...I am not totally sure if I am not changing something, or if I am choosing wrong settings etc, I just played around til I found what worked best for a long while, and now it's not anymore, and the only thing different is the version of muvizu, (and now the codecs bceause I have been trying to fix this mess). Now everytime I render out a vid from muvizu it's crap, and if I get lucky it's usually a one shot deal, if I try to render again it'll be bad again. Anyway, hope this helps you to help me - Thanks Marco!

System information:

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)
DirectX: v10.0

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz

Physical memory: 15.9191 GB (995.2891 MB used)
Virtual memory: 39.7963 GB (1.4468 GB used)
Largest free block: 8181.4512 GB
Page file: 31.8364 GB
Display device #1: \\.\DISPLAY1
Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip: GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Memory: 4064 MB
Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Driver: 8.17.0012.9610

Drive #1: C:
Model: ST31000524AS ATA Device
Capacity: 1000097181696
Free: 899491950592

Drive #2: D:
Model: ATAPI iHAS124 C ATA Device

Using DirectX 9 renderer
Version: MZASS-v0.22b - build: 2012.09.11.01R (64-bit) DX9

Should I try using DirectX 11? or download a fresh pak of codecs or uninstall/delete something?

Marco_D wrote:

Do you have the same results with different codecs?

Also, can you tell us which version of Muvizu, graphics card and codec you are using?

Thanks in advance.

09/10/2012 12:38:42

Posts: 582

You can try using the Directx11 to get a better quality video output.
However I don't think that will be the problem.

Can you please try making a video with Anti-Aliasing on and Anti-Aliasing off and see if the quality is the same.
I noticed you have a Nvidia card and we have an issue where the AA sometimes doesn't work with certain Nvidia cards.

Let us know your findings

10/10/2012 04:53:51

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Marco how do I do that ? I'm not sure if I know how turn it off/on AntiAliasing?

Marco_D wrote:

You can try using the Directx11 to get a better quality video output.
However I don't think that will be the problem.

Can you please try making a video with Anti-Aliasing on and Anti-Aliasing off and see if the quality is the same.
I noticed you have a Nvidia card and we have an issue where the AA sometimes doesn't work with certain Nvidia cards.

Let us know your findings

10/10/2012 11:30:33

Posts: 582

You can change the AA settings on FIle - Options menu or clikc the options button when you have the make video window opened.

I posted on the other thread (v2) about this problem. Definitely looks like a codec problem.

10/10/2012 18:36:00

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Thanks! 8) Marco_D wrote:

You can change the AA settings on FIle - Options menu or clikc the options button when you have the make video window opened.

I posted on the other thread (v2) about this problem. Definitely looks like a codec problem.

23/10/2012 14:22:19

Posts: 14
Hello there.
I have a question about codec and software. I use either the Cyberlink 10 or Corel X5 software when making Muvizu videos. Frequently I'll use the Muvizu green screen and insert a character or two into a sports video. It's cool.
On my current computer I'm having a problem with the Muvizu green screen. So, I'm thinking it may have to do with a codec, or lack of one.
So my question, I hope, is a simple one: if it is a codec deficiency, and if the correct codec is downloaded, would it/should it to allow for smooth editing within Cyberlink 10 and Corel X5 video software?

I've noticed that are a variety of video formats in Muvizu, but without the correct Codec, especially with the green screen background, it may clash with the Cyberlink or Corel video software. Is that correct?

My OS is Windows 7.

Gordon Zernich
edited by GordonZernich on 23/10/2012
edited by GordonZernich on 23/10/2012
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Home ? Tech Help ? Either Muvizu or my Codecs are corrupt...HELP plz