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31/03/2013 02:50:47

WozToonsExperimental user
Posts: 494
Found this little gem of advice from a true master.
It's well worth watching for any budding film maker....

WARNING: Contains two short scenes from 'Psycho' by way of illustration.
May not be suitable for small children or those of a nervous disposition.

edited by WozToons on 31/03/2013
edited by WozToons on 31/03/2013
31/03/2013 19:18:33

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Excellent advice Woz - I have a section of "The Eye" I'm just about to embark on that is very Hitchcockian - I will bear this in mind.
31/03/2013 19:35:12

WozToonsExperimental user
Posts: 494
Thanks mate. I look forward to "The Eye" with great anticipation. 78 cuts in 49 seconds is impressive but a lot of editing.

Been roaming the campus of the University of Cyberspace this weekend, also found this excellent resource for budding scriptwriters if anyone's interested.

Lots of good advice, videos and podcasts.
01/04/2013 04:19:31

HayManMarcExperimental user
Posts: 128
Thanks for sharing, WozToons. Some good brainfood there.
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Directing advice