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03/03/2015 17:53:23

Posts: 21
I agree, but at least add new personagems with another type of appearance, but regardless I will continue to use Muvizu, it is fantastic.
03/03/2015 18:03:36

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Yeah to be able to sculpt the face of the guys a little more would be great.just to add a little more variation in character,just to be able to scale the head vertically and horizontally would offer so much.Cool
03/03/2015 19:04:40

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Danimal wrote:
Unless it's some multi-million dollar movie, attempts at "realistic" 3D characters always, always looks awful without exception anywhere.

What He Said
03/03/2015 19:48:36

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Pr0gr4mm3r wrote:
Love Muvizu, but surely this sofftware would be the best in the world if they put more realistic avatar as the iclone6, our WOULD BE PERFECT. Maybe one day

lol I am making cartoon avatars for iclone because I am not a fan of "realism" all those pixar movies and whatnot you will notice one thing about them. They never ever try to mimic real life too closely and always cartoonize everything. There is a reason for that

This is a first avatar so the will improve on the next round most of my time was spent learning how to comply with their g5 and now g6 constraints so the animations worked smoothly. You will notice this is definatly not an attempt to mimic "realism"

had to delete the video so here is a still shot instead..

edited by urbanlamb on 11/03/2015
03/03/2015 21:38:32

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Beware of the Uncanny Valley!

urbanlamb wrote:
Pr0gr4mm3r wrote:
Love Muvizu, but surely this sofftware would be the best in the world if they put more realistic avatar as the iclone6, our WOULD BE PERFECT. Maybe one day

lol I am making cartoon avatars for iclone because I am not a fan of "realism" all those pixar movies and whatnot you will notice one thing about them. They never ever try to mimic real life too closely and always cartoonize everything. There is a reason for that

This is a first avatar so the will improve on the next round most of my time was spent learning how to comply with their g5 and now g6 constraints so the animations worked smoothly. You will notice this is definatly not an attempt to mimic "realism"

edited by urbanlamb on 03/03/2015
03/03/2015 22:22:00

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
yeah it can get creepy and wierd so i try to not go there :P
03/03/2015 23:02:36

Posts: 176
I like Muvizu but it has some issues. I would like a full manual for instance. Going over the tutorials and making notes works too of course, but sometimes I'd like to just look things up.

I am having problems with some of my characters sitting instead of standing as their default pose. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to correct it. I'm reminded again and again of videogames based on the Unreal engine where a character gets stuck or NPCs malfunction. This is annoying but, hey, it's a game!

Muvizu is also, somewhat of a game. I realize that this is a trade-off for ease of use. Having said that, I have inhibitions about trusting it too far. I've limited my clips to 30sec as the potential for disaster is always there. You don't really know what's going on at any given time, I know it puts quite a load on my computer and it has crashed on occasion and the rendering is best left to Targa frames.

It is an awesome teaching tool for people looking into learning filmaking though, especially camera cuts and movement.
04/03/2015 07:17:19

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
In terms of a manual, the wiki is probably the closest thing you'll find:
However, looking at that, there appears to be quite a few big gaps and it's a bit jumbled up. (I'll see what I can do about that in the future)
07/03/2015 23:55:49

Posts: 36
I upgraded to Play+ about a week ago, so am assuming that I have the very latest edition, reading posts etc on this site there is mentioned of a new character called Mandy. I have been though the programme and cannot find her anywhere.
Do I need to download her separately ?
08/03/2015 09:46:42

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
If she's not in Tools-->Content packs, then re-install Muvizu (You can use the same licence code)
08/03/2015 10:55:47

Posts: 36
MrDrWho13 wrote:
If she's not in Tools-->Content packs, then re-install Muvizu (You can use the same licence code)

Doing it now

Ok got it
edited by foff47 on 08/03/2015
11/03/2015 14:38:58

Posts: 74
Wow. I go away for a few months and come back to find a brand spanking new update. I've been toying with the idea of attempting to do a 45-50 minute movie version of Busted, but I wasn't sure the software was capable of doing what I had in mind. With the bug fixes and new content, it actually might be now so I'll have to spend some time playing with it to see what I can do. Thanks for all your hard work!
16/05/2015 10:23:01

Posts: 1
YouTube user Sustic used Muvizu to create the Frankenstein short embedded above.
07/07/2015 20:57:14

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225
Anyone know where the last update is documented? Well you know some hints as to what it does, Ta.
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