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Home ? Tech Help ? Character actions and effects trigger

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06/10/2014 01:48:03

Posts: 1
Hi guys,
I added a character movement for a character-Steve. Then I added some actions for him. But the actions starts at the place before the character movement. How do i fix this? Also, how do i add trigger to an effect?
06/10/2014 12:59:14

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Hi CD123 (that's a long tag you got there). You control the timing of actions/movement by dragging them along the Timeline. You control the triggering of effects by selecting the effect, right click, then Prepare Properties. Set Intensity (or whatever) to Animate, and Switch to Direct to record it. Hope that helps.
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Home ? Tech Help ? Character actions and effects trigger