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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? African Village Set Wanted

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28/10/2015 11:03:57

Posts: 4
I am working on a series of African village shorts I need a complete African village set and custom textures for african clothing as well as a few domestic animals where possible, looking forward to fruitful response
28/10/2015 13:10:18

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
You can buy one from here -

A word of warning though - you will need some 3d modelling skills to get them into Muvizu.
28/10/2015 15:58:10

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Depends on what level of sophistication you are after,sadly this has nowhere near the sophistication of the excellent village ukberty has referenced but if this is any good for your purposes i'll upload the set to the muvizu store.It will be a free asset of course.
28/10/2015 16:12:23

Posts: 4
Thanks ukBerty and drewi , the simpler the better pleas upload drewi so i can test it out
28/10/2015 17:51:27

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
ok. sent you a message.
When i tested it before sending it to the store it kept on losing textures. So i have zipped up all the files with textures and put them in dropbox for Decent to download.
My thinking was it was too unstable to offer as a Muvizu store asset.
So if anyone else wants to try or play with it the link is below.
edited by drewi on 15/11/2015
09/11/2015 16:10:55

Posts: 66
Sorry, haven't been around much as I've had a lot of work on and I have only just seen this post. Not sure if this helps Decent but I have an unfinished set from last year that I called "Jungle Clearing", it has some clothing that I designed, here are some screen shots:-

09/11/2015 17:07:05

Posts: 4
Rebel wrote:
Sorry, haven't been around much as I've had a lot of work on and I have only just seen this post. Not sure if this helps Decent but I have an unfinished set from last year that I called "Jungle Clearing", it has some clothing that I designed, here are some screen shots:-

Wonderful Rebel This woild certainly add value to my project please sent the link for download!
10/11/2015 18:32:10

Posts: 66
Decent. Don't be in such a hurry young man! I did say that it was unfinished, if you have some patience, I'll try to make the time to finish it, this is a taste of what you could have:-

12/11/2015 21:32:11

Posts: 45
Hello Rebel...
Great looking set. I to would love to have/buy it.

12/11/2015 22:19:54

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
*cough* although I dont think rebel would be trying to resell this I thought I would take this opportunity to use it as an example of something that can't be resold

Some of the content in that set was created by muvizu and some of the content in that set was created by me and yet some more was created by a company called nevrax which only allowed for non-commerical usage and share alike type restrtictions. I used to have those items up here with the proper CC attributions, but took them down when the site started with the commercial store. (one of the trees was from a package that is only usable under a creative commons non-commercial type license so technically it can't be used in any commercial videos either if one is to split hairs)

So basically he cannot sell this set, but he can give it away LOL

Anyhow.. I just thought I would say something because these are things that muvizu is presently wrestling with as well and that are going to become issues in the future. When this site was all free stuff to give away it was not much of an issue .. it will become one soon though. I personally dont mind if you sell the trees I made although I might think it was you know profiting off my goodwill, but I would not want to see someone get in trouble because of the other stuff that is present that other companies hold rights too. The stuff I created was for use in videos that could be used for commercial purposes, but the assets were not meant to be resold themselves and that goes with the muvizu ones as well.

Better to say something before this becomes an issue then reacting afterwards. So anyone producing something read the terms of all the "ingredients" your using to create the assets including the textures.

.. okay back to the rest of the thread.
edited by urbanlamb on 12/11/2015
12/11/2015 23:16:48

Posts: 66
No, urbanlamb is quite right, I will be giving this away not selling it and when it is completed it shall be uploaded to the "Store" for anyone to download. As a web designer I have to create all my own textures because even with material that is allowed to be used for commercial purposes, i.e. copied, distributed, edited, remixed, and built upon, within the boundaries of copyright law such as that available through sites like flickr generally have some rights reserved.

Under those terms of attribution you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Thus using my own material ensures that I do not go down this very rocky road. Muvizu however is just a hobby and although most of my textures are created by me, if something is readily available then I will use that to save time.

Should I ever at any point in the future offer my sets for sale in the store then they will built using a combination of Muvizu's material and my own. Many of my earlier sets used urbanlamb's "Almost no Collision Wall Set" but I then designed my own and use those now, I will have to do the same now trees it seems!

Meanwhile I will be taking legal advise from my firm of solicitors, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.
12/11/2015 23:32:25

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
My trees are fine i dont care but the birch trees were from an asset dump from a company that released them under share alike type attributes. And of course you can't resell any muvizu assets so when people build sets to resell it would all have to be stuff that is made by them.

Life is about to get a bit more complicated here as people have to start reading the fine print more. And of course muvizu has to come up with a detection system of their own for their own content. Its a big change and no small task.
edited by urbanlamb on 12/11/2015
13/11/2015 02:22:05

Posts: 66
Of course people will be able to resell Muvizu assets in sets, as long as they are sold in the Muvizu store. It makes sense for them to allow this as part of a set. Where possible I always prefer to use Muvizu objects to make other things, for instance, I use use magnets as handles for sets of drawers. The more good assets that are available, the more copies of the software will be sold, it's totally in their interest to do so.

It's a shame those trees are not yours, I love those trees, they look so damn good.
13/11/2015 13:54:36

Posts: 45
I do know what you mean urbanlamb. Just to clarify, I say "have/buy" so my neighbors know I don't expect something for nothing. I appreciate the free "sets" and "Props" that we do get as well as the paid for ones. I had a feeling Rebel would share that Village. So Thanks to all involved.

13/11/2015 22:47:47

Posts: 35
Again, I've yet to figure all this cross program interaction out but it seems that Dogwaffle Howler can produce all kinds of trees for scenery and such if you want to avoid licensed use problems. In fact, they have some great particle stuff and other eye candy that must surely be able to be integrated in some manner that is currently beyond the scope of my pea brain.

edited by Farscaper on 13/11/2015
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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? African Village Set Wanted