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Home ? How Do I ...? ? background

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21/01/2017 14:06:53

Posts: 18
can i upload a video and use it as background in muvizu??
edited by nbtoon on 21/01/2017
21/01/2017 15:23:52

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
nbtoon wrote:
can i upload a video and use it as background in muvizu??

If you're asking whether real video can be used as background in Muvizu, the answer is yes. Certain AVIs can be applied as texture to backdrops, and to the skydome, both of which can be used as a scene's background.

The problem is that not all AVIs will work, and I don't have any good suggestions on how to find AVIs that work. I've had good luck with output from Anime Studio, others have had good luck with output from other programs. It needs to be uncompressed.

What many of us do is apply the video background in our video editor, and just export the characters from Muvuizu
21/01/2017 19:46:45

Posts: 18
thanks a lot
22/01/2017 13:51:01

Posts: 16
PatMarrNC wrote:

The problem is that not all AVIs will work, and I don't have any good suggestions on how to find AVIs that work. I've had good luck with output from Anime Studio, others have had good luck with output from other programs. It needs to be uncompressed.

That will explain why none of my videos will work on the telly. They are probably compressed.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? background