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Home ? Feedback ? Timeline with layers or multiple tracks

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30/11/2009 11:13:17

Muvizu_AdminMuvizu staff
Posts: 100

Hi pinesal,
First of all, thanks for taking the time and effort to download and play with Muvizu 3D. We appreciate all the feedback our users offer.
As you  know, we're still in the public alpha stage of the application and are constantly updating and incrementally adding functionality to it.
We take on board all the feedback from our users and try to integrate as much as possible into the app. There will be a beta release of the application early next year with significant new functionality that should make your experience with Muvizu 3D a lot smoother and easier. Keep your eyes peeled for updates and new functionality.
Thanks again for your comments.
The Muvizu team

25/01/2010 15:42:38

Posts: 11
I think this idea has a lot of merit and if you add more animatable layers you could add a shy switch to turn off layers you don't want to see so you can work only on layers you want. For me, a really important one would be to have the option to fade music dynamically throughout an animation so you can turn it down during speach and up during more silent sections.
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Home ? Feedback ? Timeline with layers or multiple tracks