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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Content store opens it's doors!

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01/10/2015 09:08:41

Posts: 25
At last!

The content store is a new place where additional content for Muvizu can be purchased.

Starting with a Chemistry set, followed by a Chinese history pack!

We are also in the early stages of planning Indian, Chinese, Caucasian and African characters. When we have a clearer idea of dates we will let you know.

Ultimately the store will turn into a market place where users can upload and sell their own content.

01/10/2015 14:55:36

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Cool! Thanks for the update!

Just a thought... please don't stone me if you disagree...

A lot of the stores assets were created by diligent, helpful, creative users. Going forward, such contributions can be sold. But it looks like all that past work will continue to be free.

Why not give those contributing members the option of charging for their work? Some may still want it to be free... but some may want to take advantage of the new store concept for their legacy work. Even if you split the price 50/50, everybody benefits.

Regarding the obvious argument about charging for content that was once free:
All of the faithful users who have been here for years have probably already downloaded most of the free content. So, to start charging for it wouldn't penalize the veteran users...

You could even set a date and say "after this date all resources will have a price tag". That would give the faithful users a chance to get everything while its still free... but new users from this time forward would find a business model that is more consistent with other web-store based products: an inexpensive entry level product, and a store full of inexpensive add-on resources.

Principle: Behavior that is rewarded tends to be repeated. By allowing the people who have worked so hard creating content to get compensation for their past work, you will be encouraging more resource creation. And THAT is what ultimately makes products like MUVIZU valuable to customers! The more content that is available, the more useful the product becomes.

If Digimania is responsible for all content creation, the store will grow at a MUCH slower rate than if MANY users contribute assets. And if Digimania is basically freed from the task of content creation, they will be able to focus on the software, pursuing new features. Like quadrapeds. (ba-boom! tsssh!) ;-) I couldn't resist.

I can only speak for myself... but if the price of resources remains low, its not that much different than being free. $10 or $20 is chump change if I want something. So even at low prices, you should be able to generate income for content creators AND Digimania
01/10/2015 15:00:00

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Also... again, my opinion... if you are going to have a web store, you really need to accept paypal. It has become the defacto currency for internet transactions. The hugeness of eBay has increased the likelihood that potential buyers already have paypal. And it *IS* safer than using credit cards online.
01/10/2015 15:01:03

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
PatMarrNC, that's what Jamie said. The users will eventually be able to sell their own content. Or did I mis-understand what you said?
01/10/2015 15:09:42

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
one more thought about why the web store should NOT have free content:

I'm a musician. It is my hope that venues will hire me and give me money. Unfortunately, there are so many musicians who are starved for attention that they will play for free...

Now that the venues have become accustomed to getting live music for free, they are unwilling to pay ANYBODY, even if the music is better.

Once you start giving stuff away, that becomes the price people expect, and it becomes increasingly hard to get money for it. Its all about perceived value... giving stuff away sends the message that you don't value it... so why should they?

Better to put a ridiculously high price tag on it, then have sales, so people feel like they are getting something valuable for a good price.

Or at least, in the case of the web store, there should be SOME price on everything, even if it's only $1. Unlike a product in a store that has to be bought every single time before it can be marked up and resold, digital media can be sold over and over without further investment. So in time you can sell the same $1 item a thousand or more times. Or give it away a thousand times.

Your call.
01/10/2015 15:12:32

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
MrDrWho13 wrote:
PatMarrNC, that's what Jamie said. The users will eventually be able to sell their own content. Or did I mis-understand what you said?

maybe I'm the one who is not understanding. I interpreted Jamie's statement to mean NEW content could be sold, but the stuff that's in the store now will continue to be free.

If that is not correct, then I apologize.
01/10/2015 15:14:56

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I Like the store concept, and I think it will be a good thing for Digimania, content creators AND customers!
01/10/2015 15:16:54

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Hi PatMarrNC

Thank you for your post. The content store will in time evolve into a market place where users can submit content to sell to other Muvizu users.

When the store was originally announced users who had posted content were informed by email of the proposed store and given the option to have their content removed and added again once the market place opens. Some users opted to remove their content whilst the vast majority opted to keep their content free.

As this is still early days with the content store we will be reviewing procedures and listening to all Muvizu user suggestions.

Kind Regards

01/10/2015 15:36:33

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
PCollimonster wrote:
vast majority opted to keep their content free.

Ah, the people who remembered that this was a community and enjoyed sharing their own work with others and not just business-minded people worrying about turning a buck.

The store is a good idea. People wanting to share their work because they enjoy doing so is also a good idea.
01/10/2015 15:37:09

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
i think its only fair that any content ive made and uploaded here for the community in the past for free stays free. its only stuff that ive used in my own videos. if in the future uploading to the store is enabled again for us and people want to buy my crap then they can if they want to lol.
edited by fazz68 on 01/10/2015
01/10/2015 15:42:10

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I removed my content ,which i intend to put back eventually,some free, some not i'm waiting to see how things pan out.What conditions requirements etc.
01/10/2015 21:26:02

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I might sell some stuff we shall see. I will decide later on however when I sell stuff I am shall we say more fussy and only like to put a price tag on my "perfect" stuff LOL. It will also be more complicated items. Most of what I created for free where "not that hard"

I burned out on content distribution for like money years ago because people can get pretty mean over 50 cents but I might give it another shot (we shall see...)
04/10/2015 21:26:55

Posts: 35
First let me thank all of the contributors for their donations to the Muvizu world. I must then confess to being a software junkie who spends more time simply updating all my programs than I do creating anything. Ha.

I have the latest Poser, iClone, CrazyTalk, Anime Studio and others I can't even remember but I haven't stop laughing at the Muvizu productions you devotees have made. Inspirational to be sure, so I hope to find the time to make at least myself laugh at something I create. Just reading all the comments and seeing the names of the most generous and talented makes me want to try.

This last day was spent downloading content that I thought I might have to pay for at some point. I'm clearly as Scottish as this company, even if I am in Canada.
23/10/2015 13:19:26

Posts: 19
Can we have some news about the Chinese history pack ? His content ? When will it be available ?
23/10/2015 13:20:25

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
ReggieMetalFox wrote:
Can we have some news about the Chinese history pack ? His content ? When will it be available ?

I think it might be within the next month, but I say that with no certainty.
18/12/2015 20:40:00

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
you know what would be really cool?
If it was possible for muvizuers to be able to sell their own content in the store as well, I been getting a lot of request to buy my sets,and I would really love to share them, and time to time I will share one are two,but there a lot of sets and characters that I worked really hard on, and the thought of selling my work has crossed my mind, but wondering what will every one expect to pay for my sets?
18/12/2015 20:54:37

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
clayster2012 wrote:
you know what would be really cool?
If it was possible for muvizuers to be able to sell their own content in the store as well, I been getting a lot of request to buy my sets,and I would really love to share them, and time to time I will share one are two,but there a lot of sets and characters that I worked really hard on, and the thought of selling my work has crossed my mind, but wondering what will every one expect to pay for my sets?

There's been another thread dedicated to this:
You will be able to sell your own content in the future but they still need to sort out the system, how things are priced, moderation etc.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 18/12/2015
18/12/2015 20:57:09

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Thanks MrDrWho13
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Content store opens it's doors!