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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Adding My Face

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13/03/2017 16:12:08

Posts: 15
Hi Everyone,
I'm struggling to put my face on a character. Is there a trick to this? I've watched whatever videos I can find and it doesn't look that hard.
Thanks for your help.
13/03/2017 17:36:35

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
have you watched this one yet?

Or this one?

things that might mess you up:
1) It helps to use an editor with layers so you can position your texture over top of the template as a guide
2) applying 50% transparency to the layer lets you see both template and texture at the same time
3) remember to set the opacity back to 100% before saving the texture with your face on it
4) save as PNG or TGA because those formats support transparency

If you run into trouble, report back with details of what you did so far, and what result it yielded in Muvizu. We'll go from there.
13/03/2017 17:37:20

Posts: 15
Pat Marr gave me the answer, thank you.


Open the Muvizu Program.

Place a Character on the page.

Edit > Edit (at the bottom) > Decals > Get Custom Template

That takes you to Custom Character Textures on

Just above the Character Faces there is a video link on how to do this.

Such fun, so much to learn
edited by DougBailey on 13/03/2017
13/03/2017 18:07:24

Posts: 15
Yes, thanks.

The one where he put the face on didn't work out too well.

I think the UVMap will do it.

Is it possible to put a box or tin or maybe 3D Vector drawing from Photoshop over the stick figure using UVMap?

That would be huge.
14/03/2017 13:04:20

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
DougBailey wrote:
Yes, thanks.

The one where he put the face on didn't work out too well.

both videos rely on the same principle, but in the one that didn't work, the guy who made the video bypassed the UVMap to make it look easy. The UVMap provides lines like a coloring book. Color inside the lines and the texture will be applied to the right place on the character.

I think the UVMap will do it.
indeed, it's always useful to have guidelines...

Is it possible to put a box or tin or maybe 3D Vector drawing from Photoshop over the stick figure using UVMap?

That would be huge.

I answered this question in error yesterday, but that reply has vanished, so let's try again. UVMaps just let you "color" the character's existing shape (to create clothes or a new skin).

If you want to change the shape of a character by adding a box or other geometry , that is done by importing 3D objects to replace hair, eyes, hat etc. Check the WIKI for more information on importing models, its too much information to put in a forum message.

edited by PatMarrNC on 14/03/2017
14/03/2017 15:05:41

Posts: 15
Great reply, thanks Matt.

Another post which has disappeared, suggested adding my face to a mask. Replace George Bush's face with mine.

I did this and it worked really well. Very recognizable when I lightened it a LOT in Photoshop. But no lip sync. So back to square one.
edited by DougBailey on 14/03/2017
14/03/2017 15:19:43

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Experiment with the uv maps that come with these characters..backward engineer?...they will perhaps give clues to placement of the key features and blending.
The mouth area needs to be elongated slightly to fit with the muvizu character i've found.
open up the textures with the edit button for the characters texture map.
For the boy figure.
and Beefy ...just replace the key facial feature area with your own.
14/03/2017 15:43:41

Posts: 15
Much appreciated, thanks so much I'll give it a try.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Adding My Face