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19/12/2016 19:14:51

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Here's the first in a series of tutorials showing how to use SILO to create assets for Muvizu. The first tutorial is a very short and simple project which shows how I made the collars for the civil war uniforms... but the principle can be expanded to make just about anything.

The videos will often be using the OBJ blanks for the Muvizu characters, which are available here:

its probably worth mentioning that its a good idea to download the character blanks and resize them to match the size of the Muvizu characters (export the blank as fbx to Muvizu and compare it size wise to the same character. If they're already the same, then you're ready to start modelling! But if the blank is larger or smaller than the Muvizu character you'll need to rezize and repeat until they match. )

Once you get your blanks sized, then everything you make from them will fit the character without a lot of adjustment.

If you don't know how to do that, don't worry.. I'll be making a tutorial on how to resize the blanks. Also on how to navigate the Silo interface.

the tutorial:

edited by PatMarrNC on 19/12/2016
19/12/2016 19:18:00

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Silo usually costs $150 USD, but STEAM has it for $119 USD...

Black Friday price on steam was just $29.... and it is my understanding that steam is having another sale starting this wednesday (Dec 21) .. I don't know if the sale will affect the price of Silo, but if you like the idea of tutorials like the one shown above, it may be worth looking to see if its on sale
24/12/2016 16:22:34

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
yes, Steam does have Silo on sale again for $29 in case anybody is interested.

no idea how long the sale will last, but I'm thinking not long.
25/12/2016 00:15:48

Posts: 520
You smooth talker! I just bought it
25/12/2016 01:45:53

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Are you shackled to having Steam on your computer for ever if you buy it via Steam?
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016
25/12/2016 03:33:16

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
Are you shackled to having Steam on your computer for ever if you buy it via Steam?
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016

well.. good question. I don't think so, but then I didn't buy through Steam. It should be a standalone program and Steam is just the service that sells it
25/12/2016 04:11:48

Posts: 520
drewi wrote:
Are you shackled to having Steam on your computer for ever if you buy it via Steam?
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016

Looks like it, every time I start it up I have to sign in to Steam
25/12/2016 06:49:31

Posts: 10
Very cool Pat and something I've been looking for in terms of building character assets.

Could you please re-post the default character meshes? The original link no longer works

The Hero Versions came through just fine however.
25/12/2016 11:01:53

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Wow 'tis what i feared Prima.....I'd like to buy it at the budget price but i'm not a gamer and don't want steam clutter.
Silo does a bit more than my present modeling software of choice so i think i am going to buy it at the site where there is still an offer but not as good as the Steam offer.
Done it $40...hi silo buddies.Rock Band
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016
25/12/2016 15:20:21

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
for everybody who has bought Silo, here's a re-posted link to an EXCELLENT tutorial series:

it doesn't take long to go thru all 11 tutorials, after which you'll have a solid understanding of ALL the program's features. It will be easier for me to post tutorials that are specifically geared toward Muvizu if I don't have to include every step about how to use the software, move and position the models etc.

I'm very impressed with Glenn Southern's tutorials, and any effort I made to improve on them would simply fall short.

regarding the need for steam: I wonder if you downloaded the free trial from and applied whatever registration key you got through steam...

or you could go straight to the source and ask Nevercenter help if there is a workaround

I just noticed there's a sale on the nevercenter site too, completely separate from Steam:

regarding the base models... yeah, I see the links are broken. Anybody who is interested should message me for a new link.
26/12/2016 01:29:18

Posts: 359
Is Silo just for character clothing, or can it be used for set design? I see all sorts of images on the home page. It looks interesting. I just went through some DAZ 3-D tutorials yesterday, and it was nice as long as I was spoon fed what to do. I have not attempted anything on my own yet. I will have to wait a couple of days to check out the tutorials here since I will be out of town. Thanks for the topic Pat.
26/12/2016 02:49:32

Posts: 520
I am finding a few inconsistencies between the Silo tutorials and the software.
E.g. Ctrl + C (copy) doesn't appear to work as shown, instead I have to use Ctrl + D (Duplicate) . Also if you subdivide a poly then use the Edit undo option (Ctrl + Z.) it doesn't work. I can see Silo will be powerful but certainly more complicated than Milkshape to get up and running.
26/12/2016 04:07:00

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
primaveranz wrote:
I am finding a few inconsistencies between the Silo tutorials and the software.
E.g. Ctrl + C (copy) doesn't appear to work as shown, instead I have to use Ctrl + D (Duplicate) . Also if you subdivide a poly then use the Edit undo option (Ctrl + Z.) it doesn't work. I can see Silo will be powerful but certainly more complicated than Milkshape to get up and running.

I've noticed that too, Primaveranz... sometimes CTRL-C then CTRL-V works, other times CTRL-D works, and I don't know what triggers the difference. My guess is that Silo was engineered to be FAST, and most features have a keyboard shortcut. As such, CTRL-D was probably intended to eliminate one step of a two step operatrion

I've also noticed that sometimes when CTRL-Z doesn't work, the menu option to UNDO does work.

But GENERALLY SPEAKING, the tutorials are still useful, unlike some software that has evolved faster than the online instructional information can keep up.
26/12/2016 04:19:34

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Rocque wrote:
Is Silo just for character clothing, or can it be used for set design? I see all sorts of images on the home page. It looks interesting. I just went through some DAZ 3-D tutorials yesterday, and it was nice as long as I was spoon fed what to do. I have not attempted anything on my own yet. I will have to wait a couple of days to check out the tutorials here since I will be out of town. Thanks for the topic Pat.

SILO is a general modelling program, like Blender, Milkshape and Sketchup. They CREATE models and accessories for models. In the case of Muvizu, you would use Silo to make attachments and accessories for characters and sets.

Daz, iclone and Poser start with models that already exist (made in modelling programs) and provide an environment in which the models can be rendered, animated, posed etc . These types of programs may also include ways to create things like soft cloth and hair that blows in the wind (which would not normally be in the realm of what a 3d modelling program can do)

Because they can import objects, create sets from them and create animations, Daz, iClone and Poser are more like Muvizu than they are like the modelling programs that create the objects
15/01/2017 02:39:36

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Here's part 2 from the SILO to MUVIZU series. The first tutorial showed how to extract geometry from one of the base characters in OBJ format, and turn it into a collar for a civil war uniform. It ended by saving the collar in OBJ format.

This tutorial picks up where that one ended and shows how to convert the OBJ to FBX, using Blender. It also shows a little more information about UV Mapping that you might find useful.

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