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Home ? For New Users ? Can I attach a light source, or a camera to...

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22/12/2016 22:06:09

Posts: 10
I know that guns, paint brushes, coffee cups, etc., can be attached to a character, but what about light sources and cameras? Can they be made to follow characters around? Can a light be made to shine on one object and not the one next to it?
22/12/2016 23:35:54

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'm not aware of any way to directly attach either of those things to a character... but you should be able to keyframe or direct the movement of both cameras and lights. With a bit of planning you should be able to make them approximate the movements of your character. But it won't happen automatically. You'll need to move your character, then separately move the light and camera
In order for the light to shine only on one character, you'll probably want to choose a spot light with narrow angle
23/12/2016 00:30:53

Posts: 10
PatMarrNC wrote:
... but you should be able to keyframe or direct the movement of both cameras and lights.

OK, thanks.

By the way, do 3DMax objects present any problems for importing?
23/12/2016 00:55:43

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
if you export them as ASE or FBX you should be good. OBJ also works now, but you'll probably have to size it differently than the same object exported as an FBX. In my case, I had to make the OBJ almost 100 times larger in order to be the same size as the FBX in the Muvizu environment
23/12/2016 06:29:41

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Hauksbee wrote:
By the way, do 3DMax objects present any problems for importing?

I have done probably thousands of exports from 3DMax. If you are familiar enough with the technology here's some pointers.

  • Get the model into 3DMax and resize.
  • Make sure the whole thing is one object - so Attach everything to everything else.
  • Position the axis to the centre of the object and "transform"
  • create a small box at the centre of your object and call it UCX_name - where name is the exact name of your main object. This will be your collision box and it's best just to make it as small as possible
  • Export as an FBX ensuring TurboSmooth is turned on
  • Import into a second running version of Muvizu. Save and re-open the set containing just your object (this step may seem pointless, but believe me will avoid a lot of tears)
That's it.
edited by ukBerty on 23/12/2016
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Home ? For New Users ? Can I attach a light source, or a camera to...