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31/10/2016 14:10:23

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Another FREE offering soon to be in the store...Some workers armed with a selection of tools to get the job done.

31/10/2016 14:37:07

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Excellent stuff Drewi - especially the telegraph poles, such an essentially 'mundane' piece of street furniture. I know I'll be using them for sure
01/11/2016 00:15:29

Posts: 359
I like the telephone poles, too. That is a nice touch. The construction workers are fun, too. Thanks, Drewi.
01/11/2016 13:05:10

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
Very nice sets, drewi Cool
02/11/2016 02:10:30

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Here's an idea that I have. Got it when I was working on a new Alien Grey video, I wanted more of a depth look to the background without using the plain 2d backdrops,so I thought about making low poly 3d backdrops, and this is what I did for Alien Grey, so I thought it might be a good idea to have this sort of thing in the store, not sure if everyone would like the idea, I took a picture to show what they look like, the scene I made in Alien Grey looks incredible using these,snyways just wanted to get everyone s take on the idea!
To give another idea what these backdrops can really be used for here's s night scene.
edited by clayster2012 on 02/11/2016
02/11/2016 08:40:06

Posts: 77
Wow Clayster, those buildings look terrific, especially for low-poly! I'd love to see them in the store.

Do they have the kind of detail where you could enlarge them and use them as actual sets, setting a movie down in the streets? If not, maybe that's something to consider, adding some ground-level details like building entrances and streetlights. It'd be so great to have a whole city set that didn't slow your system to a crawl.
02/11/2016 14:50:22

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Yes everything thing you mentioned are the things I'm working on, the picture are just to show what I'm working on, not sure when it will be in the store but I'm hoping this will work out. I feel that this is something much needed!
03/11/2016 02:14:22

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113
Hi my friends

I've finished my last movie and decided to upload for free a new set with the snail character that acts on it.
This is the picture. You can download it on the store soon.
03/11/2016 12:49:37

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Great little set, awesome movie - so beautifully done, so well animated and constructed, just amazing. If you haven't watched it yet, get to it!
03/11/2016 13:12:29

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Indeed very well put together,it seems he made an ass of himself, I thought it was very good,it even made my pet macow laugh!
03/11/2016 13:53:49

Posts: 5
Yes, I agree. Very well done.
03/11/2016 14:11:33

Posts: 359
clayster2012 wrote:
Yes everything thing you mentioned are the things I'm working on, the picture are just to show what I'm working on, not sure when it will be in the store but I'm hoping this will work out. I feel that this is something much needed!

I am not sure how you keep making such great sets, but this is amazing.
03/11/2016 14:14:41

Posts: 359
ziggy72 wrote:
Great little set, awesome movie - so beautifully done, so well animated and constructed, just amazing. If you haven't watched it yet, get to it!

Thanks for the link, Ziggy. I am going to watch the video now.
I like the colors you are using Rodrisilva. The snails are awesome.
Now I am going to see what the video is like.

The video is incredible. I love the truck and how you have him back into the parking space...that is so truck owner like!!! You have a great imagination, and I do not think anyone could guess the ending ahead of time. The fishing scene is also inspiring. It is amazing how much you can do with the right tools, and time to learn how to use them all.
edited by Rocque on 03/11/2016
04/11/2016 11:54:22

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
After adding some medieval sets (Various stuff and Furnitures), here is a new FREE one :

A toon biplane in two variants : with propellers ON and OFF

And please... Let me know what you think about it
04/11/2016 13:38:21

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Thanks Wabby. What sort of collision object did you make to enable the pilot to sit in the plane? Is it like a seat size block?
edited by drewi on 04/11/2016
04/11/2016 15:57:24

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
drewi wrote:
Thanks Wabby. What sort of collision object did you make to enable the pilot to sit in the plane? Is it like a seat size block?
edited by drewi on 04/11/2016

I simply use different cubes (named UCX) at the wheels and under the pilot's seat. This technique (using Blender) is explained in the Wiki Muvizu.
It's difficult for me to explain more... my English is not very good. I hope it helps.
04/11/2016 16:17:17

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Thank you for replying, I have mastered collision using Blender Wabby, thanks to info supplied by Muvizu community members but I wasn't aware you could use more than one collision box to achieve something like a man sitting in an airborne aeroplane until I looked at your Free aeroplane set. When attempting to do something similar previously I made a long invisible column and perched a pilot on that, Using this new info I suspect will be a much better solution.
04/11/2016 16:34:31

Posts: 359
Wabby wrote:
After adding some medieval sets (Various stuff and Furnitures), here is a new FREE one :

A toon biplane in two variants : with propellers ON and OFF

And please... Let me know what you think about it

I think this is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I am not sure what you are saying in your explanations because I have not used blender, but I am sure there will be a lot of help if I ever decide to use it. Thank you again.
09/11/2016 07:49:12

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Hey everyone, I just uploaded a low poly gas station set to the store.

It contains the gas station with gas pumps, one low poly car, a low poly moving truck, and a low poly semi truck with gas trailer, it also has some odds and ends in the back!

yes the characters can be placed in the car and trucks!

it should be in the store hopefully to day!
09/11/2016 15:09:08

Posts: 359
This looks like fun Clayster! I like it.
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