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30/11/2016 12:46:42

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
Do you want some medieval houses?

Hello, I'm glad to introduce you some of my new assets : The medieval houses Kit 1 and Kit 2

And a FREE sample : A sweet cottage for your external medieval or countryside scene !

30/11/2016 15:51:35

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Medieval houses: Looking good Wabby! Thanks!
07/12/2016 08:09:32

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Hey every forgot to post this here, it's been in the store for a couple of day now, I know it maybe a long wait to load up, but for free it's well worth it, anyways enjoy!
07/12/2016 12:35:58

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Yeah it is taking a considerable amount of time to load...26mins so far 62%.......ha!
What items within the set do you think might contribute most to the load time?
07/12/2016 13:34:07

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
1hr 25mins - 78%....errm?...Drink

at last ...turned skype off and last 20% came in in seconds...don't know if that was slowing things down...going to explore now.
edited by drewi on 07/12/2016
07/12/2016 15:12:27

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
1hr 25mins - 78%....errm?...Drink

at last ...turned skype off and last 20% came in in seconds...don't know if that was slowing things down...going to explore now.
edited by drewi on 07/12/2016

I recently uninstalled Skype for precisely this reason.
07/12/2016 15:18:17

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Well I did mention in the description that it may take a while to load, on mine it took about 12 minutes,but when I closed google chrome it went from 60% to 100% in about 2 minutes, so yes I think if anything else running will cause it to load slow, I did it again with nothing else running and it took 8 minutes.
07/12/2016 16:00:37

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
I was hoping no one would have problem with it, it is a really big set and I may of gotten carried away with it but my creative juices took a hold of me, in the description I did mention that it may take a while to load and it may depend on your system, but I did notice that whenever something is running in the background it gotten a little choppy when I was working on it, but when I closed them out everything ran smooth, I assume that Jamie didn't have any problems with it when he moderated it or it wouldn't be in the store, also just in case no one read the description I did mentioned that it requires Key frame, that's because I used it like glue to hold things together without them bouncing away from each other, so if you don't have it then you will get errors and it wont load, but other then that I hope it's running well for everyone, and that they enjoying it!
07/12/2016 17:02:38

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Hey Clayster... your new avatar isn't a cartoon! You look like Burt Reynolds!

(Does your girlfriend look like Loni Anderson?)
07/12/2016 17:30:54

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
PatMarrNC wrote:
Hey Clayster... your new avatar isn't a cartoon! You look like Burt Reynolds!

(Does your girlfriend look like Loni Anderson?)

LOL!.... I took a photo and turned it into a cartoon in Photo shop, well Tried to anyways, and uh no....I wished!
07/12/2016 17:34:04

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
and your not the only one who said I looked like Burt Reynolds, I get that a lot even in public!
07/12/2016 18:28:04

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
regarding your cityscape:

My advice is to break it up into a bunch of smaller packages that people can arrange any way they want. At present it takes so long to load, very few people will be ABLE to use it. Even for those who get it opened once, they'll probably think twice about ever trying to open it again.

Most scenes require a more localized set... at most a double-sided street can be viewed at once. I think if you break it up unto street sets a lot more people will use it. You've put so much work into this it would be a shame if everybody can't use some part of it.
07/12/2016 18:29:13

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
we also need to end this thread and start a new COMING SOON.. its too long to load quickly
07/12/2016 19:45:19

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
PatMarrNC wrote:
regarding your cityscape:

My advice is to break it up into a bunch of smaller packages that people can arrange any way they want. At present it takes so long to load, very few people will be ABLE to use it. Even for those who get it opened once, they'll probably think twice about ever trying to open it again.

Most scenes require a more localized set... at most a double-sided street can be viewed at once. I think if you break it up unto street sets a lot more people will use it. You've put so much work into this it would be a shame if everybody can't use some part of it.

Yea I can do that but I would have to think a new design, any ideas?
07/12/2016 19:49:56

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
I'll break it down to smaller scene sets, like the Burger Pot and the other buildings that have interior, then make a set for the 3D backdrops, then maybe take the rest of the buildings make sets for those, and then leave the streets in place and make it a layout set so everyone can place the buildings wherever they want....hmm let me think about this a little more!
edited by clayster2012 on 07/12/2016
08/12/2016 08:35:36

Posts: 25
clayster2012 wrote:
I'll break it down to smaller scene sets, like the Burger Pot and the other buildings that have interior, then make a set for the 3D backdrops, then maybe take the rest of the buildings make sets for those, and then leave the streets in place and make it a layout set so everyone can place the buildings wherever they want....hmm let me think about this a little more!
edited by clayster2012 on 07/12/2016

Thanks clayster2012, The resources you guys make and offer to the community are wonderful and very much appreciated
08/12/2016 14:26:59

Posts: 359
Thanks Clayster. I downloaded it and that was fast, but am not sure when I will upload it. I just had difficulty with another large set, and once it was uploaded it kept freezing up. I have a good fast computer, too.
Anything you do to help us is greatly appreciated.

I love the set and all the colors. It looks like fun to use. I stand in awe of your talent.
09/12/2016 09:16:15

Posts: 77
Clayster, I didn't recognize you because of your new icon (I guess I scanned right by your name) and thought this city was created by somebody else! It looks amazing.
09/12/2016 15:23:52

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
mindiflyth wrote:
Clayster, I didn't recognize you because of your new icon (I guess I scanned right by your name) and thought this city was created by somebody else! It looks amazing.

Thanks,the only problem is that it take a long time to load for most, so You maybe waiting a while if you load it up unless you have fast PC,Im thinking of away to do it in smaller sets!
edited by clayster2012 on 09/12/2016
12/12/2016 04:22:26

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Anybody need medical transportation, made this on a request so I figured I would share it with everyone, should be in the store tomorrow!

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