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09/02/2015 21:13:33

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
What ever happened to Muvizu Chap? That was a short lived appointment!

...Anyway, rumour has it that there may be Muvizu related happenings coming our way soon (has anyone defined how long "soon" actually is time-scale wise yet?)


PS: Had to add this - A while ago we were told that we would be receiving regular updates on the state of Muvizu in regards to development, news etc. but if you check the blog the last three entries have been once a quarter! (October, July and April!)

This is quite frankly ..Pish!

edited by Dreeko on 09/02/2015
09/02/2015 21:24:36

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
Apart from paying full-price, only to have it halved two weeks later, I've spent thousands of pounds buying computers that will run it. Surely they owe us something ?
09/02/2015 21:33:26

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
09/02/2015 21:47:21

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
chuckles wrote:
I've spent thousands of pounds buying computers that will run it.

You can easily get a Muvizu-capable PC for around £500...
10/02/2015 05:42:32

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Muvizu don't "owe" us anything. They have developed a brilliant animation application at great expense. they have given this away for nothing or if you so choose you can pay a relatively small amount to get some advanced features. I would say that at the moment they are in credit !

Our frustration is not only knowing whether there is a future for the software but more that they were so close to finishing the damn thing when the plug was pulled.

I know I've said this for years, but the three steps to making the business model work:-

  • Fix a couple of bugs
  • Create a mechanism for importing actions
  • Open the Muvizu Marketplace.
Then watch the cash roll in........
No amount of £75s are going to move this thing forward.
10/02/2015 08:56:09

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
ukBerty wrote:

I know I've said this for years, but the three steps to making the business model work:-

  • Fix a couple of bugs
  • Create a mechanism for importing actions
  • Open the Muvizu Marketplace.
Then watch the cash roll in........
No amount of £75s are going to move this thing forward.

I'd add a few things to that list but in general you are right, especially about the marketplace. They could have in place a brilliant system which would benefit both users and Digimania alike in revenue terms. A system where users could upload assets for personal storage and sale to other users, free from piracy too if you think about Muvizu's present limitations!

... But also (as you say, we've been saying things like this for years) I'd love to be excited about Muvizu again. Hopefully things will move forward to rejuvenate the software and the general enthusiasm of the user Base.

edited by Dreeko on 10/02/2015
10/02/2015 09:09:36

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
It cost £150. A Muvizu compatible computer cost about £800 then. But the main point is if they have finished with it altogether, then why not hand over all development tools to someone like Dreeko, then we could all work on improvements, new characters etc. Does anyone know if they are still getting any revenue from Muvizu ? Have they been asked if, for a percentage of any new versions a user might make, they would be willing to hand it over ?
10/02/2015 12:12:18

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Dreeko wrote:
I'd love to be excited about Muvizu again.

I'm still excited about Muvizu, especially with the more customizable cartoony characters now thanks to attachments (still couldn't care less about the Heroes & Villains). Where that excitement dwindles is in the number of bugs floating around in there now. Seems I can't work on a scene for more than about 10 minutes before a character just up and vanishes. The box is still there, the name is still there, but no character to be seen. This happened randomly before but now seems to be a regular occurance.

Also, I know I'm the odd man out here for sure, but I have zero desire to create and import my own actions. It was so much more fun to get the new updates regularly with a few dozen new actions and think of how to use them. This inspired creativity. Making your own? Well that's just work and I'm not using Muvizu because I want to work, I'm using it because it's easy and fun.

With all that said, SOMETHING would be nice to hear, wouldn't it? And not some vague "oh, you never know what's around the corner!" but "yes, there will be an update but not for several months" or "nope, not this year," something along those lines.
11/02/2015 10:24:37

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Totally agree with ukberty's comments - Muvizu has so much potential if only they would open the front door wider.
Importing of motions would be great and you don't have to make your own there are hundreds of free ones available (take a look at and hopefully soon noitom's perception neuron motion capture system will be available which at it's lowest configurations brings effective and relatively inexpensive motion capture to the masses!

But I would also love to see the ability to import characters and better support for prop import. They are tons of great characters out there many of which would fit in with the muvizu look such as the Toon Generations characters from 3duniverse.

The functionality we are after seems to be part and parcel of renderdigimania so why not include it in Muvizu too or in a separate piece of software which converts external characters/motions into a Muvizu friendly format
edited by toonarama on
edited by toonarama on 11/02/2015
edited by toonarama on 11/02/2015
11/02/2015 12:21:11

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
toonarama wrote:
(take a look at

I tried this and only got a "this domain for sale" message. A Google search only turned up a tour guide map salesman

Again, I know I'm the odd man out in that I want Muvizu to do nothing more than expand on what it is rather than become something it's not. Give me more stock actions, character parts, and sets/backdrops/scenery elements. If I wanted it to do what x or y software did, I'd buy x or y software. Muvizu's about making a story come to life quickly and easily (Direct don't animate, anyone?), not making the next Pixar feature.

If they did nothing more than fix the disappearing bug I'd be thrilled. If they made a camera motion system that was even just slightly less horrible I'd be over the moon.
11/02/2015 13:42:40

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
More facial adjustment would be good Like narrowing the face and adjusting position of mouth but suppose that would introduce lipsyncing complication problems. so a new character similar to the original toony guys but with a narrower face,by say errm err... tomorrow morning.
11/02/2015 14:16:41

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Danimal - the importing of actions is more a business model thing than anything else - it would give them something to sell on their marketplace. We all know that their current business model does not and can not work so they have to move to a radically different one or it's all over.

We haven't had any new actions for over three years now but if they spend time and effort making a load more then they will need a way to recoup that investment.

At some point someone needs to pay for something.
11/02/2015 15:10:45

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Hi All

Thank you all again for your continued feedback.

We do have some news to share.......

The dev team at Muvizu HQ have been working on a new build since the beginning of Feb. The plan is to release the new build in March.

I can't yet share what the new release will include but once confirmed I will post details.

Please do not think that Muvizu is dead. Whilst the dev slowed down over the past year we have been busy taking the product into new markets. Our new user base continues to grow and attracts users from all over the globe.
11/02/2015 17:15:41

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Thanks for the update, PCollimonster (we've been waiting for some news for a while)

Good news that Muvizu's waking from its coma.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 11/02/2015
11/02/2015 17:34:29

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
"It's Alive!!!":
11/02/2015 18:48:12

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
Maybe it was all just a Dream........
11/02/2015 21:09:11

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
PCollimonster wrote:

Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed Muvizu to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!
12/02/2015 05:39:41

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471
It's about time we heard something.
12/02/2015 08:31:33

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Thanks for the feedback. Given that time frame it looks like a bug fix build (which would be most welcome) but fingers crossed there is more to it.
14/02/2015 09:28:30

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
HELLO AGAIN Finally MUVIZU!! & MUVIZUERZ!! I've not been using Muvizu or anything else for a long time, (because I cannot create my long standing project/character/comic/stories how I want to exactly in MUVIZU!) I missed you guys you are all like friends/family; very supportive; So I decided to check out the site again, and from reading this post apparently Muvizu went to deep sleep on it at the same time as I did too?!? wow! lol OK so here's the skinny on the poop - I cannot/will not do Anything until:

A. Muvizu makes #1 (see below) possible!
B. I figure out what great video editor I NEED to switch to (I've researched ALOT); I need to be able to do the following in order to use Muvizu:

1. I am in SERIOUS NEED (and have been since day1) for WEARABLE PRODUCE of all kinds!! (think Fruit Of The Loom outfits); attachable COSTUMES for the ORIGINAL CARTOON CHARACTERS to WEAR in Muvizu, so I can finally create my comic/character stories from many years ago along w/some new ideas...Otherwise not sure what software I can use to achieve it!!...looked for things similar to Muvizu

2. maybe some new characters...

3. a Hollywood movie.set w/props soundstages etc...

4...the sweet love O animation/film Muvizu please make my project possible soon...Machinima is big now I'm reading so HELP US ALL CREATE!!!

Oh and P.S. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE IN THE PAST! You guys are the ONLY ones that can HELP me ACHIEVE this cuz you're the $#!%

Sincerely, EEFilmz 8)

p.s. - Happy V-Day!
edited by EEFilmz on 14/02/2015
edited by EEFilmz on 14/02/2015
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? The Future of Muvizu revealed!